Create Your First Chatbot
To get started, first log in to your account. If this is your first time using GPT-trainer, you should see this:
Click on Create new and enter your desired chatbot name and display name.
The Chatbot Name is for your reference within your account, helping you identify which chatbot you’re working with. The Display Name, visible in the chatbot interface, can be set now or added later. This flexibility allows you to focus on building your chatbot’s core features first and fine-tune its identity as you go.
Then, head over to Sources in the left sidebar:
You can upload unstructured text training data in the form of PDFs, Word, or TXT. You can also upload simple tables in the form of CSV or Excel. Please note that GPT-trainer’s ability to handle tables directly is limited.
If you have a website with static content (not rendered by javascript), then you can specify the URL directly and have our scraper attempt to capture information to use as training.
After you finish uploading training data, if everything goes well, the Status should show a green light indicating successful training completion.
Next, you can configure the general behavior (including the base prompt) of your chatbot by going into the Agents tab. By default, each chatbot will start with a General Q&A Agent. Click it to go into the edit screen:
You may need to scroll down to find the base prompt section. Edit it with explicit instructions for your chatbot to follow when talking to users.
By default, the General Q&A Agent makes use of all your uploaded training sources. If you’d like to use only a select subset, you can configure it in the Knowledge tab.
Once you finish configuring the Agent, click Save changes. Then, you can head to the Settings / Appearance tab to edit the appearance and global settings of your chatbot.
If you are satisfied with the setup, you can start testing your chatbot! Go to the Preview tab and start a conversation!
When you are ready to deploy it, head to the Deploy / Integrations tab.
If you want to share the chatbot as a standalone page, simply click Share. You should see a share link automatically generated for you.
If you want to embed the chatbot onto a web page, click Custom. Detailed instructions will be displayed on the new right sidebar.
To add more chatbots, simply go to the left sidebar and open the chatbot select dropdown. Click Create Chatbot.
Please note that depending on your current subscription plan, there is a limit to the number of chatbots you can create.